Wednesday, November 16, 2011

my sanity

Well I have decided to delve into the blogging world... Why?  Because I have always enjoyed writing my random thoughts down in a journal and it is good for my soul.  I am also inspired by a couple of ladies that I know through my local MOPS group and hope that I can share some inspiration to someone else as they have done for me.

I am a stay at home mom of three kids right now, I was a full time nurse before that and a full-time wife as well.  How do I stay sane; you ask?  That is what I hope this blog will show myself (we could always use a little reminder that we are good at what we are doing) and I hope I can show others they are great too.

My sanity is named Kenmore, yes that's right it comes in the form of a sewing machine.  A very loved sewing machine that is in desperate need of a upgrade.
And yes, that is painters tape holding it together.  I love to sew.  My passion is quilting, but really I just love creating.  This hobby takes me away from everyday stress, teaches me art appreciation and inspires me to create in other aspects of my life as well.  It alway introduces me to like minded people and allows me to do a little traveling at times.  I would like to turn my passion into a small business so that I can contribute financially to my family (and also so that can get that much needed upgrade)!  I promise I will name my next machine a super sexy name, since I plan on having an affair with him!  But alas, I love my Kenmore and will continue to create with it until it gives up on me.

I have limited amount of space at home to create but the space I do have is much appreciated!  My husband is amazing and no matter where we have lived or what has come into our lives he has always made room for my sewing things.
Project stacks and tubs that usually live out in the storage shed.
My sewing/cutting/ironing/scrap booking space.
The storage space I share with our pantry and laundry room.

As you can see, my space is spread out and constantly evolving but I am thankful everyday for the space that I do have and I enjoy every minute of spending time with my fabrics even if it is only to move them from one location to another.  Thanks babe (my husband) for your understanding and support of my sanity.

And now for some finished products!  That's all that anyone really cares about...
yep, I made his shirt too (that is how I told my husband that I was pregnant)
I entered a show with this quilt and won nothing!

I finished this quilt while on a backcountry hut trip and made Ashley pack it out herself!

I made this one for my sister in-law and brother in-law and if it had fit on my bed it never would have left my house, they are LUCKY.

My business is called Golden Leaf Creations and if you want me to sew your desires get ahold of me please.


  1. Katie this is so great, I am so excited to read your posts! The things in our life that keep us mommies sane are so important! I admire your wonderful skills and "Ken" looks like he might still have some life left in him, I myself am partial to the rugged type, he looks more like a "Gerard" to me!

  2. Hi Katie, I like the new blog, you'll enjoy it. We have two, one we've had with the family for years ( and one I started with my sisters while we do our Dear Jane quilts (, I'm also an administrator for Soldiers Angels Chaplains Team blog, so I love it! I'll add your blog to our home page.
